Tuesday 23 October 2012


Emo love is when both emo girl and emo boy (some times same sex)think that there loving relationship will last for ever and think that the foundations of there relation ship will never break that may be the reason why there are so many emo kids now a days but sadly the relation dose break maybe by a fatal fake suicide that went wrong and actually did succeed in killing his/her self after all the times you went to gigs to gether all the meaning full shags you had to gether and all the memories you alone will remember. Hope fully this WONT HAPPEN!!.

Truth: emo love is the same as any ordinary relation ship but with poems blinding love absolutely no cheating and proud to say that there an emo couple oh and cutting if you or your emo partner is into that kinna thing. to be honest it depends how romantic you are toward your emo lover and if your a guy YOU MUST tell her/him that you love her and emo girls should do the same provided that he said "I love you" first


No it's not Elmo, it's emo.
After reading a few ranting posts of Thomas' blog, I feel the need to likewise express my thoughts on some SUPER COMMON misconceptions and misunderstanding of the word emo.
Emo is not a mood or a temporary attitude of a person, contrary to many people's beliefs. Us Asians tend to immediately link a person who is suddenly and inexplicably quiet, reserved or has some other withdrawn, sullen demeanour. What will we say?

Eh. Why're you emo-ing?

Or we could talk behind his/her back and say Why's he/she emo-ing?

Emo doesn't necessarily mean a short form of the word emotional. Emo is ACTUALLY:
A style of rock music typically characterized by melodic musicianship and expressive, often confessional lyrics. - Wikipedia
A genre of softcore punk music that integrates unenthusiastic melodramatic 17 year olds who dont smile, high pitched overwrought lyrics and inaudible guitar rifts with tight wool sweaters, tighter jeans, itchy scarfs (even in the summer), ripped chucks with favorite bands signature, black square rimmed glasses, and ebony greasy unwashed hair that is required to cover at least 3/5 ths of the face at an angle. - Urban Dictionary
A culture or music style somewhat similar to Goth people. - Own definition ^^

Please do not wrongly use 'emo' to describe people, cuz 'emo' is a vast culture from the US. You haven't seen 'an' emo yet. So please, do not label people who are suddenly quiet, fuming inside, sullen, sulking etc, AS AN EMO.

We humans have emotions, obviously. Being emotional is what makes us human. So to call a certain person 'emo' is kinda weird isn't it? We all have emotions, so why state the obvious? I do not know who invented the mindset of emo in our country but I AM GROWING TIRED of being called AND seeing people getting called emo just because they are playing moving, emotional music on the piano? Listening to emotional music? Sulking? Suddenly quiet because of some internal disagreement?

Enough. I am not emo. We are not emo. Emo does not exist in our country.

But you argue, then how about all those emo music? people moping around emo-ing cuz of their bf/gf? Let me ask you, are all music composers who make music emo? Obviously don't look at mainstream etc. Are all instrumental music emo?


Suck on that for a while. We are not emo. Distinguish sulking vs emo vs passionate please.